
16 2020

Temple Shalom Sisterhood’s Mah Jongg Tournament

1:00PM - 5:00PM  

Temple Shalom 6930 Alpha RD
TX 75240


Contact Laney Arndt

$ Cost $ 36.00

Temple Shalom Sisterhood’s
Mah Jongg Tournament
February 16, 2020
(Registration/Check in begins at 12:00)
Registration fee of $36 includes snacks & door prizes

Temple Shalom
Radnitz Social Hall
6930 Alpha Rd; Dallas, TX 75240

All cash prizes awarded to the top players!

To register go to https://tinyurl.com/TSDMAHJONNG

For more information or to register another way, contact
Laney Arndt at laney229@gmail.com or 972-661-1810