
18 2024

Ner Echad Katan a Chanukah Concert

6:30PM - 8:30PM  

National Center for Jewish Art/Museum of Biblical Art

Contact National Center for Jewish Art/Museum of Biblical Art Nickel

The festival of Chanukah, through all of its variations, has always been a celebration of joyful defiance, and choosing love, rather than violence and suffering in the face of the world. This concert, entitled New Echad Katan, (One Small Light) explores different Jewish Composers Hanukkah music, united by a theme of intentionally choosing joy in the face of darkness. This concert will feature Contemporary American songs, Israeli Folk songs, Children's Songs, Ashkanaz and Safardi folk music, and world premiers of Jewish music. Across languages and musical styles, the true spirit of the holiday emerges. The concert is structured like that of the menorah, with eight songs centering around a beautiful Niggun, the shamash.