Dallas, TX – The Jewish Federation of Greater Dallas (JFGD) welcomes Governor Abbott’s efforts to address the sharp rise in antisemitism at colleges and universities in Texas and to ensure a safe learning environment for Jewish students and all Texans.

Since October 7th, 2023, antisemitic incidents have risen to unprecedented rates nationally and regionally, including a more than 800% increase in attacks in North Texas during the same period last year, according to the Anti-Defamation League. The spread of antisemitic rhetoric and harassment on college campuses, well beyond the bounds of free speech, has a very real impact on learning environments – a space that should be safe for all.

“We thank Governor Abbott for his strong stance against antisemitism and acknowledgment in his executive order of the very real hostility Jewish students on college and university campuses in Texas have experienced since October 7th. The safety and wellbeing of Jewish students is of utmost importance to the Jewish Federation, and we appreciate efforts to address serious threats to it,” stated Igor Alterman, President and CEO of the Jewish Federation of Greater Dallas.

The Jewish Federation of Greater Dallas has been a decades-long leader in countering antisemitism and standing firmly against hatred and bigotry of all kinds, with ongoing efforts in security, community relations, and public affairs. In collaboration with local Jewish communal partners, we actively meet with and engage college and university leadership to raise awareness of the experiences of Jewish students and safeguard their safety and security on campus.

In recent months, JFGD has heard from Jewish college students in Texas that they are experiencing threats to their physical and psychological well-being, causing students to not feel safe displaying or sharing their Jewish identity. As an organization that believes in respecting and celebrating the diversity of our community and our state, we affirm that hatred based on race, ethnicity, national origin, or faith, among other immutable characteristics, is unacceptable.

With the escalation of antisemitic rhetoric and incidents and recognition that hatred against one community impacts all communities, we thank Governor Abbott for recognizing the threat of antisemitism as it affects our community and for putting forth efforts to address it on Texas colleges and university campuses. We look forward to continuing to work with our partners to build a safer and more inclusive society for all.

Questions? Contact media@jewishdallas.org.

Read the statement from the Office of the Texas Governor here.