Event Details
Bible Players Bonim Shabbat (Grades K – 7 and their Grown-ups)
Kids and Families
Jewish Life
Saturday, January 11, 2025 @ 11:00am - 12:00pm
9401 Douglas Ave, Dallas, TX 75225
Hosted by Congregation Shearith Israel communications@shearith.org 2149397325
Contact: Taylor Hayden at thayden@shearith.org
Join us for Bonim Shabbat featuring The Bible Players. The Bible Players lead a family friendly Tefillot service focused on experiential education. Using interactive exercises, The Bible Players help children and adults a like connect with the stories and sentiments behind the prayers.
During prayers, The Bible Players share some comedic thoughts and insights on the week’s Torah Portion. Connecting to the word of Shabbat, The Bible Players make everyone laugh and learn about the tales of the Torah.
This event is geared towards children in grades K – 7th and their grown-ups. For questions or more information, please contact Taylor Hayden.