
11 2020

Temple Shalom Munchkin Minyan

10:30AM - 11:30AM  

Temple Shalom 6930 Alpha Rd
Dallas, TX 75240

Contact Debbie Niederman

Temple Shalom Munchkin Minyan
July 11, 2020

Families with children ages 7 and under please join Rabbi Paley and Ray Farris as we celebrate Shabbat together. This relaxed service on the Temple Shalom lawn includes singing, dancing, story time, special Temple Shalom gifts for each family and a snack. Bring a picnic blanket to sit on and invite your friends. This event is open to the community. For further information, contact Debbie Niederman at dniederman@templeshalomdallas.org or go to www.templeshalomdallas.org. RSVP required: https://templeshalomdallas.org/munchkin-minyan/

Temple Shalom
6930 Alpha Rd
Dallas, TX 75240